
Savage Ultimate - OUT    10 - 7

Savage Ultimate
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
88Bartosz Dworzecki415
48Adam Łepak415
64Jakub Kaczmarek044
91Jędrzej Nowak044
30Mateusz Gibki202
90Aleksandra Bigosińska-Zygmunt000
11Karolina Fijołek000
71Julia Henklewska000
12Olivia Janicka000
21Katarzyna Karpała000
56Stanisław Kopeć000
17Aurelia Kłosowicz000
20Weronika Maciejewska000
23Anna Mączkowska000
15Sebastian Mańczak000
80Anna Mirecka000
92Ksawery Olewski000
8Jakub Romanowski000
27Dominika Rzęsa000
43Michał Schiller000
94Paweł Szwed000
19Paulina Szymkowiak000
16Michał Wachowiak000
10Márton Paksai404
99Anna Pasztendorf112
21Ádám Szalóky112
20Gréta Eszter Hartai011
14Luca Sára Paksai011
37Laura Anna Profanter011
11Gábor Takács011
98Kata Vígh011
27Márk Rubicsek101
5Nagy Bertalan000
66Barna Márton Hazai000
1Krisztián György Jászay000
8Csongor Balázs Kertesi000
33Máté Szabolcs Nagy000
16Kata Simon000
3Bálint Kende Szeredás000
69Alexandra Leona Szilágyi000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1#10 Márton Paksai #14 Luca Sára Paksai 5.005.00
1 - 1#88 Bartosz Dworzecki #91 Jędrzej Nowak 9.004.00
1 - 2#10 Márton Paksai #11 Gábor Takács 12.003.00
1 - 3#99 Anna Pasztendorf #20 Gréta Eszter Hartai 21.009.00
Timeout 16.00
2 - 3#30 Mateusz Gibki #88 Bartosz Dworzecki 25.004.00
2 - 4#27 Márk Rubicsek #98 Kata Vígh 29.004.00
3 - 4#88 Bartosz Dworzecki #91 Jędrzej Nowak 31.002.00
4 - 4#48 Adam Łepak #64 Jakub Kaczmarek 34.003.00
4 - 5#10 Márton Paksai #37 Laura Anna Profanter 37.003.00
5 - 5#88 Bartosz Dworzecki #48 Adam Łepak 42.005.00
5 - 6#10 Márton Paksai #21 Ádám Szalóky 50.008.00
6 - 6#88 Bartosz Dworzecki #91 Jędrzej Nowak 63.0013.00
7 - 6#48 Adam Łepak #64 Jakub Kaczmarek 65.002.00
8 - 6#48 Adam Łepak #64 Jakub Kaczmarek 68.003.00
9 - 6#48 Adam Łepak #64 Jakub Kaczmarek 77.009.00
9 - 7#21 Ádám Szalóky #99 Anna Pasztendorf 88.0011.00
Timeout 85.00
10 - 7#30 Mateusz Gibki #91 Jędrzej Nowak 91.003.00

Game statistics

Savage UltimateOUT
Goals: 10 7
Time on offence: 45.00 min (49.5 %) 46.00 min (50.5 %)
Time on defence: 46.00 min (50.5 %) 45.00 min (49.5 %)
Time on offence/goal: 4.30 min 6.34 min
Time on defence/goal: 6.34 min 4.30 min
Goals from starting on offence: 6/8 (75.0 %) 5/9 (55.6 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 4/9 (44.4 %) 2/8 (25.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 4 2
Time-outs: 0 2
Spirit points: 5 (2+0+1+1+1) 6 (1+2+2+1+0)
Spirit commentsThank you for the game! Good luck for the final! We've decided to give 0 on fouls and body contact, because we felt there were a lot of them, and you didn't really pay attention to our girls, even though we've mentioned it before the game. Rules: They forced fouls(while playng zone - cup) and then said that's our fault and to look out on it. Girls was trying to take posession of area, where our guys were cutting. They have never listened to our rules explaination. Communication: They have never wanted to discuss our perspective, only kept them perspective 100% true. During our calls they pissed off while discussing and were not calm. Lot of players were angry about field situations.

Game history