
Glasgow Ultimate - BN1    7 - 10

Glasgow Ultimate
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
95Ailsa Cameron022
21Sam Finlay202
14Karina Aitken011
2Elizabeth Dimitrova011
72Rhona Gordon011
32Hannah Millard011
3Shaun Webb011
42Nick Byrne101
0Mihael Dimitrov101
77Rebecca Hardman-Carter101
9Kevin Lakritz101
23Philip Webb101
55Elise Camilleri-Brennan000
46Ruaridh Cullen000
4Neal Dawson000
44Flora Girard000
45Leah Harkey000
19William Lucas000
18John Tofalis000
66William Watt000
79Aina Zaid000
65Hayden Slaughter134
29Izzy Collins033
12Ben  Mccrindle112
16Ben Rolfe112
42Jacob  Thompson112
88Tom Mannings202
66Nick  White202
47Max Tink011
33Dom Burnham101
13Nicole Cozens101
11Liza Bowen000
22Lucy Cieslik000
86Alex Cragg000
4Ailwyn Ellis000
37Naomi Green000
6Sophie Harris000
9Amelia Mcmahan000
59Cat Stallan000
68Raf Swinscoe000
7Baoqi Zhang000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
0 - 1#42 Jacob Thompson #65 Hayden Slaughter 2.302.30
Offence 0.00
1 - 1#21 Sam Finlay #3 Shaun Webb 7.505.20
1 - 2#66 Nick White #16 Ben Rolfe 10.002.10
2 - 2#9 Kevin Lakritz #14 Karina Aitken 11.451.45
3 - 2#77 Rebecca Hardman-Carter #32 Hannah Millard 21.259.40
4 - 2#42 Nick Byrne #72 Rhona Gordon 23.452.20
4 - 3#33 Dom Burnham #29 Izzy Collins 30.406.55
Timeout 23.45
5 - 3#23 Philip Webb #95 Ailsa Cameron 43.5013.10
Timeout 38.05
5 - 4#66 Nick White #42 Jacob Thompson 45.502.00
6 - 4#0 Mihael Dimitrov #95 Ailsa Cameron 50.505.00
6 - 5#13 Nicole Cozens #29 Izzy Collins 53.553.05
6 - 6#16 Ben Rolfe #47 Max Tink 57.353.40
6 - 7#88 Tom Mannings #65 Hayden Slaughter 61.053.30
Timeout 59.00
6 - 8#65 Hayden Slaughter #12 Ben Mccrindle 64.353.30
7 - 8#21 Sam Finlay #2 Elizabeth Dimitrova 70.305.55
7 - 9#88 Tom Mannings #29 Izzy Collins 76.306.00
7 - 10#12 Ben Mccrindle #65 Hayden Slaughter 80.304.00
Timeout 77.00

Game statistics

Glasgow UltimateBN1
Goals: 7 10
Time on offence: 48.20 min (60.0 %) 32.10 min (40.0 %)
Time on defence: 32.10 min (40.0 %) 48.20 min (60.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 6.54 min 3.13 min
Time on defence/goal: 3.13 min 6.54 min
Goals from starting on offence: 5/10 (50.0 %) 5/7 (71.4 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 2/7 (28.6 %) 5/10 (50.0 %)
Goals from turnovers: 2 5
Time-outs: 2 2
Spirit points: 9 (2+2+1+2+2) 10 (2+2+2+2+2)
Spirit commentsResolved in the spirit time out and in second half of game. We felt that players on both teams were reactive in calls in a way that they not willing to listen as much as we'd like to see which led to unnecessarily long discussions. It did improve after the spirit timeout and we appreciated that.

Game history