
KFUM Örebro Frisbee - FWD>>    11 - 10

KFUM Örebro Frisbee
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
71Adam Blomgren235
23Gustav Robertsson224
12Arvid Arensmeier123
2Elvis Eriksson Sveiven123
31Anders Christensen112
8Simon Åkerling202
1Stefan Angergård011
0Adam Larsson101
78Carl Svärd101
66Felix Andersson000
10Johan Byrén000
3William Dahlin000
87Anders Haldorson000
11Josef More000
22Filip Nanberg000
11Pietro Deavi 033
97Benjamin Kain022
7Erik Allmer112
13Jasper Kielstein112
46Raphael Panic112
48Adrian Ernst202
33Miroslav Stankovic202
17Florian Bayr011
67Jakob Mitsche011
55Benjamin Gaudernak101
77Niklaus Rapottnig101
73Erik Samstag101
0Sandro Aluede000
80Christoph Bloeschl000
40Leon Dovits000
12Darian Geroe000
49Stefan Hartig000
51Maximilian Ittner000
44Benjamin Kislich000
69Paul Kraft000
1Philipp Palle000
99Jannis Richter000
61Michael Schwob000
43Paul Wilfing000
0 - 1#55 Benjamin Gaudernak #97 Benjamin Kain 2.052.05
1 - 1#71 Adam Blomgren #2 Elvis Eriksson Sveiven 5.053.00
1 - 2#48 Adrian Ernst #46 Raphael Panic 8.453.40
2 - 2#71 Adam Blomgren #12 Arvid Arensmeier 10.452.00
2 - 3#48 Adrian Ernst #11 Pietro Deavi  15.404.55
3 - 3#78 Carl Svärd #23 Gustav Robertsson 18.453.05
4 - 3#8 Simon Åkerling #1 Stefan Angergård 21.453.00
5 - 3#8 Simon Åkerling #31 Anders Christensen 26.054.20
5 - 4#33 Miroslav Stankovic #7 Erik Allmer 27.401.35
6 - 4#23 Gustav Robertsson #71 Adam Blomgren 34.006.20
6 - 5#7 Erik Allmer #17 Florian Bayr 35.401.40
7 - 5#0 Adam Larsson #2 Elvis Eriksson Sveiven 37.251.45
7 - 6#46 Raphael Panic #11 Pietro Deavi  53.3016.05
8 - 6#2 Elvis Eriksson Sveiven #71 Adam Blomgren 56.403.10
8 - 7#77 Niklaus Rapottnig #11 Pietro Deavi  59.302.50
8 - 8#13 Jasper Kielstein #67 Jakob Mitsche 62.403.10
9 - 8#12 Arvid Arensmeier #71 Adam Blomgren 64.301.50
10 - 8#31 Anders Christensen #23 Gustav Robertsson 67.202.50
10 - 9#73 Erik Samstag #13 Jasper Kielstein 71.454.25
10 - 10#33 Miroslav Stankovic #97 Benjamin Kain 77.305.45
11 - 10#23 Gustav Robertsson #12 Arvid Arensmeier 81.003.30

Game statistics

KFUM Örebro FrisbeeFWD>>
Goals: 11 10
Time on offence: 47.55 min (60.5 %) 31.20 min (39.5 %)
Time on defence: 31.20 min (39.5 %) 47.55 min (60.5 %)
Time on offence/goal: 4.21 min 3.08 min
Time on defence/goal: 3.08 min 4.21 min
Goals from starting on offence: 8/11 (72.7 %) 7/10 (70.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 3/10 (30.0 %) 3/11 (27.3 %)
Goals from turnovers: 3 3
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points: 4 (1+1+0+1+1) 9 (1+2+1+2+3)
Spirit commentsfair mindedness: "dont accept any calls!" from the sideline, they never accepted any calls from us, so it was impossible to build any trust Attitude: was very good from their young players, but their older players attidue was percieved as very negative Communication: some of their players communicated very disrespecfully, loudly discrediting our opinion They always spoke swedish with each other so it was very confusing discussing calls A bit discussion during the games where we felt that we where not heard, as you also felt. We think both teams can adapt and play a better spirited game. Disregard that is a good fight and ultimate game.

Game history