
Queen Kong - FlyHigh Louves    6 - 7

Queen Kong
#NameAst.Goals Tot.
60Samia Si Belahouel022
4Flore Bourel011
12Valentine Lambolez011
8Zoe Papelier011
7Pauline Rigollier011
59Mélina Dabin101
13Camille Lariviere101
55Claire Lavin101
39Marie Mazzuca101
93Marie Sophie Nguyen-Tu101
18Lea Raymondaud101
45Tiphaine Champetier000
46Agathe Crouzat000
5Zoe Debroux000
61Eva Hanoskova000
72Florine Louis000
22Lucile Richard000
26Alice Sammarco000
FlyHigh Louves
57Rosa Haffter022
28Eliane Lehmann022
37Lola Bardel112
31Hannah Murray112
9Yannick Galland011
50Odile Andres101
59Valentine Descharnes101
3Mathilde Durand101
52Zoë Evans101
30Valentine Schindler101
5Roxane Barclay000
76Radka Dancikova000
20Surbhi Kuwelker000
56Flora Mosca000
8Virginie Piskin000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0#59 Mélina Dabin #8 Zoe Papelier 1.001.00
Offence 0.00
1 - 1#37 Lola Bardel #28 Eliane Lehmann 4.403.40
1 - 2#31 Hannah Murray #57 Rosa Haffter 9.004.20
2 - 2#18 Lea Raymondaud #7 Pauline Rigollier 11.202.20
2 - 3#59 Valentine Descharnes #57 Rosa Haffter 13.151.55
3 - 3#93 Marie Sophie Nguyen-Tu #60 Samia Si Belahouel 17.204.05
3 - 4#52 Zoë Evans #31 Hannah Murray 27.3010.10
Timeout 24.40
3 - 5#30 Valentine Schindler #37 Lola Bardel 52.0024.30
Timeout 27.30
Timeout 49.10
4 - 5#13 Camille Lariviere #12 Valentine Lambolez 57.005.00
4 - 6#50 Odile Andres #28 Eliane Lehmann 65.008.00
5 - 6#55 Claire Lavin #4 Flore Bourel 73.008.00
6 - 6#39 Marie Mazzuca #60 Samia Si Belahouel 76.003.00
6 - 7#3 Mathilde Durand #9 Yannick Galland 79.003.00

Game official: Mathilde P. Et Flowrian

Game statistics

Queen KongFlyHigh Louves
Goals: 6 7
Time on offence: 48.15 min (68.0 %) 22.45 min (32.0 %)
Time on defence: 22.45 min (32.0 %) 48.15 min (68.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 8.02 min 3.15 min
Time on defence/goal: 3.15 min 8.02 min
Goals from starting on offence: 4/7 (57.1 %) 4/6 (66.7 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 2/6 (33.3 %) 3/7 (42.9 %)
Goals from turnovers: 2 3
Time-outs: 1 2
Spirit points: 11 (2+2+2+2+3) 11 (2+2+2+3+2)
Spirit commentsWe deeply appreciated how the communication between the individuals and the team worked throughout the game: body contact wise (numerous checking with match up if level of contact was okay) and during the half time.

Game history